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Managed portfolios are built by experts to target sustainable, long-term results and the highest returns for your risk level.
Equities are a type of investment that represents ownership in a company. When you buy an equity, you are essentially buying a piece of the company. Equities can be traded on stock exchanges, and their prices can fluctuate based on a variety of factors.
Learn moreCommodities
Commodities are raw materials or agricultural products that are traded on exchanges. They are traded in futures contracts, which means that you are agreeing to buy or sell a certain amount of the commodity at a specific price on a specific date in the future.
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Trade our extensive range of Commodities & Shares and more. Lowest commission as per SECP, fast execution and 24/7 support.
KSE-100 Index Today
The pricing is for indicative purposes only. Please go to tradeview to see the trade pricing.
Trading amount in August, 2024*
Trade executed per years*
Registered trading accounts*
*Combimted PSX Data
Fully regulated
We are a fully regulated brokerage house of equities, offering a wide range of services to clients. We are committed to providing clients with the best possible trading experience, and we are confident that our fully regulated status gives you peace of mind.
Learn moreExpert service
We are a leading brokerage house of equities, and we pride ourselves on our expert service. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible trading experience. We offer a wide range of services.
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