Registration Terms & Conditions
Please read and understand the Terms and Conditions before signing and executing this form. These Terms and Conditions shall constitute a Contract between the Parties hereto. This Contract shall govern opening, maintenance and operations of Trading Account, CDC Sub-Account(s) and sharing of Ult! and KYC information to/from NCCPL and ancillary matters connected therewith.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS- All Trades,Transactions, including non-Exchange Transactions,Derivative Contracts and deals Oointly referred to as ""Transactions"") between the Parties and Clearing and Settlement thereof and opening, maintenance and operations of Sub-Account in the CDS shall be subject to the Securities Act,2015, Central Depositories Act,1997, Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX) Regulations, Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC) Regulations, CKO Regulations,2017, National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited (NCCPL) Regulations and the Securities Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulation, 2016 including Procedures, Manuals, Polices, Guidelines, Circulars, Directives, and Notifications issued and as amended) thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP),PSX,CDC or NCCPL from time to time.
- The information provided in KYC application form and/or CRF shall be in addition to and not in derogalion of the requirements prescribed under Anti Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Regulations, 2018.
- The Securities Broker/Participant shall ensure provisionof copies of allthe relevantlaws,rules and regulations at its office for access to the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer(s) during working hours.The Securities Broker/Participant shallensure that its website contains hyperlinks to the websites/pages on the website of PSX, CDC, NCCPL and the SECP displaying above said regulatory framework for reference of the Customers.
- In case of a Joint Account, allobligations and liabilities of the Applicants under these Terms and Conditions shall bejoint and several.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be binding on the nominee, legal representative, successors in interest and/or permitted ass igns of the respective Parties hereto.
- The Securities Broker/Participant shall provide a list ofits Registered Offices and Representatives authorized and employees designated to deal with the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer(s) along with their authorized mobile/landline/fax number(s), email and registered addresses.Any change(s) therein shall be intimated in writing to the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer(s) with immediate effect.
- Subject to applicable laws, the Securities Broker/Participant shall maintain strict confidentiality of the Customer related information and shall not disclose the same to any third party. However, in case the SECP, PSX,CDC or any competent authority under the law, as the case may be , requires any such information, the Securities Broker/ Participant shall be obliged to disclose the same for which the Customer shall not raise any obj ection whatsoever.
- The Securities Broker/Participant shallindependently verify any of the Customer's related information provided in this Form and under the relevant laws, rules and regulations for the purpose of KYC.
- In case of any change in the Customer's related information provided in this Form, the Customer shall provide necessary detai Is to the ParticipanVSec urities Broker. Upon receipt of instruction from the Customer,the ParticipanVSecurities Broker shall give effect to such changes in the manner prescribed under the relevant regulations. The ParticipanVSecurities Broker shall have the right to incorporate any change(s) in the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer's informat ion in the COS as sent by N CCPL as CKO and that such change(s) shall be deemed to have been authorized by the Sub Account Holder(s)/Customer(s). In case of any change in the Participant's/Securities Broker's address or contact numbers or a ny other related information, the Securities Broker/Participant shall immediately notify the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer(s).
- Any change in this Form or these Terms and Conditions by virtue of any changes in the aforesaid legal frameworks shall be deemed to have been incorporated and modified the rights and duties of the Parties hereto. Such change(s) shall be immediately communicated by the Securities Broker/Participant to the Sub-Account Holder(s)/Customer(s).
- The Securities Broker/Participant and the Customer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract without giving any reasons to each other after giving notice in writing of not less than one month to the other Party. Notwithstanding any such termination,all rights,liabilities and obligations of the Parties arising out of or in respect of Transactions entered into prior to the termination of this Contract shallcontinue to subsist and vest in /be binding on the respective Parties or his /her/ its respective heirs, executors,administrators, legalrepresentatives or successors in interest and permissible assigns,as the case may be.Closure of Sub-Account of the Customer under this clause shall be subject to the condition that neither any corporate action is pending at that point of time in conneclion with any Book-entry Securities in the Sub-Account nor any Book-Entry Secunt1es are in Pledged Position and that the outstanding dues, if any, payable by any Party to the other Party is cleared and that the Customer has transferred or withdrawn all the Book-Entry Securities from his/her Sub-Account.
- Whereapplicable,theterms sub -Account Holder and Participant used inthis Formshallincludethe customer and securities Broker/TRECertificate Holder respectively.
- The Securities Broker/Participant should ensure due protection to the Sub-Account Holder I Customer regarding rights to dividend,rights or bonus shares respect of transactions routed through it and not do anything which is likely to harm the interest of the Sub-Account Holder with/from whom it may have had transactions in securities.
- The Participant/Securities Broker shall ensure that duly filled in and signed copy of this form along with the acknowledgement receipt is provided to the Sub-Account Holder.